The globalization of food supply chains, population growth, increased consumer scrutiny and technological advances over the last decade have underscored the need for specific regulatory changes in the food industry. This is particularly relevant for Asia, where analysts predict the purchasing power and middle-class population of Asia Pacific will surpass that of the US and Europe combined by 2030.

In response to these trends, regulators in Asia must address the laws related to the safety, quality and integrity of the food we consume. Post-COVID, as the global food industry continues to evolve and expand, robust regulations are essential to protect consumers and maintain fair trade practices.

Our first Food Law Guide prepared by our Sydney office in 2018 laid an exceptional foundation for this current updated version, which now covers 12 jurisdictions across Asia Pacific, including Korea. The guide provides a summary of food law regulations and now includes topics such as:

– advertising and labelling requirements
– local language requirements
– health and rating schemes
– nutritional content claims
– mandatory warnings (particularly on genetically modified foods and organisms)
– import permit and clearance requirements

As with the previous version, it’s important to note that local laws and regulations in some of these areas undergo frequent changes. While we endeavor to keep the guide up to date, we invite you to seek specific and current advice from the appropriate Baker McKenzie contacts in the relevant jurisdictions.

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