Financial Institutions

The financial sector is being transformed by the mega-trends of ESG concerns and new technology that have received increased impetus from the COVID-19 crisis. Financial institutions must adapt their business models in response to the resulting new competitive, regulatory and societal demands now placed upon them. At the same time, the move to increasing regulatory scrutiny seen since the global financial crisis of 2008 continues unabated with the role played by international standard setting bodies growing in importance. Meanwhile, more lightly regulated non-bank financial intermediaries continue to increase their share of credit markets and equity investments.
We provide financial institutions with sector-specific, pragmatic advice on licensing and supervisory regulation, tax structuring, M&A and joint ventures, intellectual property protection, technology, outsourcing, real estate portfolio management, global and local employment, pensions, compliance and investigations, financial crime and dispute resolution. Our deep roots in all major financial centers and extensive coverage of other markets in Asia, EMEA and the Americas enable us to provide global, integrated and cost-effective services.