Baker McKenzie is pleased to present the Asia Pacific Business Complexities Survey 2017, published in association with Mergermarket.


57% of business leaders across the Asia Pacific region feel the business environment is becoming increasingly complex. Successfully navigating today’s volatility and uncertainty demands more resilience and ingenuity than ever before. New challenges arise as soon as old ones have subsided, and the ever changing nature of competition means companies must maintain a consistent, innovative edge.

What are the shared complexities that are putting pressure on executives in Asia Pacific? This report includes insights from more than 150 senior business leaders from across Asia Pacific, examining and breaking down the key challenges they face when doing business across the region and beyond.

Our survey responds to key business complexity questions, including:

  • What are the greatest complexities affecting businesses in Asia Pacific today?
  • Which governments in Asia Pacific are most active in simplifying the business process? Which countries are becoming more influential?
  • What will be the impact of technology on different industries, and which technologies will have the most significant disruptive force?

Download the report to understand the most pressing and challenging trends faced by business leaders across the Asia Pacific, and to consider how decision makers can prepare to do business in today’s intricate corporate environment while utilizing existing complexities to their advantage.

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