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Ryutaro Oka

Tax & Transfer Pricing、Automotive Industry

Professional Summary

Ryutaro Oka has significant experience in the finance, trade, energy and manufacturing industries, where he has developed and maintained good client relationships. He regularly advises on complex international tax issues, working extensively with colleagues in the US, UK, Netherlands, China, Singapore and Thailand. Ryutaro is a frequent speaker on international tax issues, having been invited to speak on international taxation and cross-border private equity investments at events sponsored by the Association of Taxation Analysis, among others.  Prior to joining the Firm in 2006, Ryutaro was a tax director at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu’s Tokyo office, where he advised on international tax issues. Ryutaro is fluent in English.

Practice Focus

Ryutaro’s main practice focus is cross-border M&A taxation. In this connection, he routinely advises on overseas holding company schemes, including the formulation of worldwide tax-efficient acquisition structures, tax due diligence issues, as well as other international taxation matters. He advises as well on the structure of international PE funds and hedge funds. Ryutaro also advises large family owned companies, and provides succession planning strategies for the founding owners of those companies. Additionally, Ryutaro handles general taxation matters, including organizational restructuring, and advises regarding Japan’s consolidated taxation system.

Representative Clients, Cases or Matters

  • Advised a number of Japanese multinational corporations on improving tax efficiency on a global basis.
  • Advised a major precision equipment manufacturer regarding a squeeze out structure resulting from a cash-out merger.
  • Advised on the structuring of the sale of a business of a major foreign-affiliated communications company.
  • Advised on structuring the integration of listed companies by way of cross-border triangular merger.

Publications, Presentations and Articles

  • Co-author, “Legal and tax practices on conducting business in Asia – from business start-up to expansion and withdrawal,”Chuokeizai-sha, August 2011, Language: Japanese
  • Co-author, M&A Handbook on Conducting Business Practically, Chuokeizai-sha, June 2010, Language: Japanese
  • Co-author, Cross-Border M&A Practice, Chuokeizai-sha, July 2008


Licensed Tax Attorney (Zeirishi)~Japan (1999)




* “Partner” as referred to in this material represents a senior-level professional who would be responsible for case management in each practice area, and does not mean profit-sharing members of the partnership.
